Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lunar Photography

Here is another set of lunar pictures. The night was rather clear and the moon was high up in the sky. I took the opportunity to capture some images. It was hard to get focus because I was constantly adjusting the camera, its tripod and the telescope at the same time. Every time I get a good lock on the focus, the moon have already drifted off the field of view so I had to multi task to get decent photos. I used the same method described in my previous post of Lunar Photography

Equipment : 60 mm equatorially mounted refractor with 22 and 9 mm huygenian eyepieces and a Nikon Coolpix L16 digital point and shoot camera.

These second set of photos were taken using my 4.5 inch newtonian with a 22 mm and 9 mm Huygenian eyepiece.


  1. Marvin, these are very good pictures! Congrats! was this from the 60mm refractor? or the 4.5" reflector. I am amazed. Again, good job!

    Keep them coming!

  2. Hi sir alex. All of these were from the 60 mm refractor and humble .965 eyepieces. Thanks!

  3. The details are great! I hope you can post more pictures as they are really nice to look at. I know you will have a long way to go. Continue to inspire other people. ^_^
