February 3, 2010
Just a few days ago, I acquired a 60 mm aperture refractor telescope. Now I'm enjoying views of the moon and just last night I found the planet Saturn.
The moon tonight is nearing its end and in a few days it will enter a new phase. There are great things to see at the moon. Among them are the craters that are most prevalent at the terminator. I've learned that our very own satellite is best observed during its phases as its craters is not so prevalent during the full moon. One thing that I tried tonight is using the Barlow lens to take a closer look at the craters.
Saturn is a lovely thing to observe. Using my 60 mm telescope, I clearly saw Saturn's famous rings. It was very beautiful indeed. In fact, it was only my second time and I never get tired looking at it. I tried the different eyepieces to get different views and the 20 mm eyepiece gave the sharpest image of Saturn. The 6 mm eyepiece gave decent images but the wind is blowing hard so the view was a little bit wobbly.
I tried viewing Mars early in the evening while it is not yet at the zenith. It looks like a red sphere with not much detail perhaps due to the limitation of the scope and bad seeing during the night. Yet, it was still a great sight.
I had to end my observation tonight because of my class tomorrow. I'll be observing again tomorrow and try to look for more objects in the night sky.