Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Gallery of my Equipment

In a few months time since formally started my astronomy hobby, I have collected a humble set of equipment which have enabled me to enjoy the heavens created by God for us to explore. In the course of my hobby, I have learned to maximize my tools and study how everything from eyepieces to collimation to the use of the german equatorial mount works. I think the most important lesson here is that never let your equipment limit what you can do. I started out with a 60 mm refractor with a few eyepieces and I have had great fun exploring different celestial bodies. Now that I have upgraded to a 4.5 inch reflector, I think that its time for a new adventure with the cosmos.

P.S. If you want to explore the universe through the telescope, you can visit absindex and watch out for his new products as well as auctions!

Just to rekindle the times, I did this gallery for everyone to enjoy and look at.

My two telescopes side by side

My lovely reflector

My first telescope - the equatorially mounted 60 mm refractor

My 2x Barlow and my eyepieces.

The star diagonal and two more eyepieces


  1. I really like this hobby but I don't know where to buy this telescope. I am from Cebu City

  2. Hello admin! You can try this link :
